This is another customer that came in with a solid idea, we just had to make the design work. Holding the diamond with just rails was scary but I was able to sneak in an under carrage that worked great.
Often a customer comes in with a design. Often its a great concept but the enginering needs work. This was the case with this one. This one came out just right. I tweaked the customers design to make everything work. No prongs we were able to use the leaves to hold the stone. We scanned the customers drawing into the computer then used it as the background as we built the cad model over the image. Once we added the exact size stone and moved things around we came up with a great design.
Finding a matching band is one of the hardest things to find. Many E rings come with them but more dont. This customer wanted an exact match so we scanned her E ring and used that to build the wedding band.It came out perfect the shanks match and everything ligns up.